Ep. #36 The Turtle and the Rabbit --🐢🐇—Keep Going
Today the story is a famous fable from Aesop’s Fables. This is the story of the Turtle and the Rabbit. The Turtle and the Rabbit have a race. Who is faster? Who do you think wins the race? Let’s start the story.
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The Turtle and the Rabbit
A rabbit looks for food in the forest. She looks for her lunch. She looks for her favorite kind of grass to eat. She looks for grass under a big tree by the forest path. As she looks for grass, she sees a turtle walking on the path. The rabbit says, “Turtle, where are you going?” The turtle says, “I’m going to the lake.” The rabbit says, “Turtle, the lake is very far away. You can’t walk that far.” The turtle says, “I can! You’ll see.”
The rabbit looks at the turtle. The turtle has very small legs and a big shell. The rabbit says, “Turtle, your legs are too small. And your shell is too heavy! You are too slow.” The turtle says, “Rabbit, you have long legs. You are fast. But let’s race to the lake. I will win!” The rabbit is surprised. The rabbit can’t believe what the turtle says. The rabbit says, “Ok let’s race! I will get to the lake first. I want to eat the grass by the lake. It’s delicious.” The turtle says, “Let’s start from the big tree by the path.”
The turtle and the rabbit meet at the big tree by the path. They get ready to race. The rabbit says, “Ready, set, go!” The turtle starts walking. And the rabbit starts running. The rabbit runs fast. Soon the rabbit can’t see the turtle. She is far away from the turtle. She says, “I am faster than the turtle! I can stop to have a rest.” She stops running. It is a hot day. The rabbit is sleepy. She falls asleep.
Time passes. The turtle is still walking. The turtle walks by the rabbit. He sees the rabbit sleeping by the path. The turtle says, “I am tired too. But I will keep walking!” More time passes. The turtle is still walking. The turtle sees the lake. He walks down to the lake and gets into the water. Then he hears a voice. He hears the rabbit. The rabbit is running to the lake. The rabbit says, “Turtle! I can’t believe you are the winner!” The turtle says, “Rabbit, you are faster than me, but I don’t stop. I keep going.” The end.
In this story, the turtle has smaller legs than the rabbit. The turtle has a heavy shell. So, the turtle is slower than the rabbit. But the turtle is the winner. Slow and steady wins the race.
This story has been rewritten and read by Katrina Hao; it is a classic from Aesop’s Fables called “The Tortoise and the Hare”✨