This story is about 3 goats. This story also has a troll. What is a troll? Trolls are magic creatures in stories. Trolls are not people, and trolls are not animals. Trolls live in forests and mountains. Let’s start the story.
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The 3 Goats and the Troll
There are 3 goats and they are brothers: a baby brother goat, a little brother goat, and a big brother goat. The goats are hungry. They do not have any food at home. The goats want to go to a field with lots of plants to eat. They leave home to find the field. They arrive at a river. It’s a big river. The goats need to cross the river. They see a bridge. The baby goat walks onto the bridge. The baby goat hears, “who is on my bridge?” Then he sees a big troll on the bridge. The troll says, “This is my bridge! You may not cross. I will eat you.” The troll looks scary. The baby goat is scared. The baby goat says, “I am a baby. My brother is a big goat. Wait for my brother.” The troll lets the baby goat cross the bridge. Then the little brother goat walks onto the bridge. The little brother goat hears, “who is on my bridge?” The troll says, “This is my bridge! You may not cross. I will eat you.” The little brother goat says, “I am little. My brother is a big goat. Wait for my brother.” The troll lets the little brother goat cross the bridge. Then the big brother walks onto the bridge. The big brother goat hears, “who is on my bridge?” The troll says “this is my bridge. You may not cross. I will eat you.” Then the big brother starts to run. The big brother is big. He is bigger than the troll. The big brother goat pushes the troll. The troll falls into the river. The three brother goats leave the river. Soon they arrive at the field. The field has lots of plants to eat. The 3 brother goats are very full and happy. The end.
The 3 brothers in this story are smart and they work together. With brothers, you never face a problem alone.